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Our first post comes from Heather Cox Richardson , professor of history at UMass, Amherst. Richardson is the author of a number of books on...
Randall Stephens Jean de Venette (ca. 1308-ca. 1369), a Carmelite friar in Paris, wrote about the horrifying devastation brought on by the ...
Randall Stephens It takes a certain temperament to be a historian. For example, you have to, at least on some level, enjoy rummaging throug...
I am intrigued by GPS enabled cameras. There are only a few in production and they are fairly expensive as yet, but they offer the promise ...
. Historic Maps and Digital Mapping Roundup "Was your street bombed during the Blitz?" Telegraph , December 6, 2012 The year-long...
Jonathan Rees Today's guest post comes from Jonathan Rees, professor of history at Colorado State University - Pueblo. He's the auth...
Readers, help me out here. What does a 21st century graduate student need to know in the way of digital tools and resources? I am trying to ...
Heather Cox Richardson On May 24, 1844, Samuel Morse sent his famous telegraph message, “What hath God wrought?” from the U.S. Capitol to hi...
Chris Beneke . NPR recently aired a story on the tower of 7,000 Abraham Lincoln-centered books (they’re actually replicas and amount to r...
Jensen-Byrd building by Flickr user Terry Bain . (Thank you Terry for choosing Creative Commons licensing.) This morning we have some good n...