I'm flying over to Norway today to begin my Fulbright. I hope to post occasional dispatches from the land of the 9:30am sunrise. (I've stocked up on vitamin D.) So, we'll

But in the meantime, check out these HS posts and others on Christmas, holidays, and general festivus.
"The Worst Christmas Music," The Onion, AV Staff, December 2, 2011
Historiann, “White Christmas” and A Christmas Story, December 11, 2011
"Yuletide Roundup," December 24, 2010, HS blog
Randall Stephens, "December 31st, 1759: Guinness Inceptum," December 31, 2010, HS blog
Paul Harvey, "Jewish Consumer Rites: Tracing Hanukkah's Roots to Cincinnati and Charleston," December 5, 2010, Religion in American History blog
Randall Stephens, "A Trippy, Merry Christmas" December 24, 2010, Religion in American History blog
"Hannah's Yorkshire Christmas Pie," December 22, 2009, Georgian London