The 78th Annual Meeting of the Southern Historical Association will be in Mobile, Alabama, November 1-4, 2012. The deadline for submitting a proposal for the 2012 meeting of the Southern Historical Association is about one month away. There's still plenty of time to submit a paper or a session. Program directors Marjorie Spruill and Don Doyle hope to "create a rich and broad program for 2012 by soliciting exciting proposals."
Here's the general note about the Mobile conference:
The Program Committee for 2012 invites proposals on all topics related to the history of the American South from its pre-colonial era to today. In addition, for the 2012 meeting in Mobile, it extends a special welcome to proposals relating to:
~ Mobile and the Gulf South
~ International, transnational, or comparative approaches
~ 2012 as an anniversary of major historical events, publications, etc.
~ International, transnational, or comparative approaches
~ 2012 as an anniversary of major historical events, publications, etc.
The Program Committee accepts proposals for single papers but encourages session proposals that include two or three papers. Individuals interested in using the SHA website to organize a session with complementary papers may send an e-mail to Sheree Dendy with their name, e-mail address, and proposed paper topic. She will post this information on the SHA website, which others seeking compatible co-panelists may consult. Click to view current postings of those seeking related proposals.
According to SHA policy, no one who appeared on the previous two programs, those at Charlotte and Baltimore, can be part of the program in Mobile.
Note: A New Policy for the 2012 Program Committee: Those submitting proposals should include suggestions of people who would be appropriate as commentators/chairs but not issue invitations. The Program Committee will select and invite a chair and usually two commentators. No two people from the same institution can be on the same session.
All 2012 proposals must be submitted online.
If you are interested in submitting a session for the Latin American and Caribbean Section, please visit their web site.