2008 Pacific Northwest History Conference

Update (3/24/2008): I will be giving a presentation titled "A Northwest Historian's Tour of the Internet" as part of the "Digital History and the Pacific Northwest" panel on Saturday. Here is the complete conference schedule [PDF].

The 2008 PNW History Conference will be in Corvallis, Oregon, April 17-19 at Oregon State University. The Call for Papers is below. Anyone want to put together a panel on digital/public history? This is always a fun conference.

2008 Pacific Northwest History Conference
Call for Papers: Across Time and Terrain in the Pacific Northwest
Corvallis, Oregon April 17-19, 2008

When the expanding empires of Great Britain and the United States imposed imperial markers on the greater Columbia River country, their map makers drew lines that divided human cultures, watersheds, and ecosystems along convenient geopolitical bounds. The agents of empire then went into the field to declare sovereignty over Native people who had been inhabiting these landscapes for several millennia. Over the course of the following decades the newcomers proceeded to impose their languages (tools of thought), their religions (ways of making sense of the world), and their concepts of private property (processes to control land, labor, people, and information). More than 150 years later, Canadian and American scholars continue to probe the dynamics and legacies of conquest and the revolutionary changes to peoples, cultures, and landscapes in the region.

The Program Committee for the 2008 meeting of the Pacific Northwest History Conference invites session proposals and individual papers that explore the complex, ambivalent, and sometimes paradoxical antecedents to our present moment in time. What have been the historical relationships between the Pacific Northwest and global spheres of influence? How has the cultural politics of race, ethnicity, and gender, of class, poverty, and wealth framed historical discourse about the region? How have diverse immigrant groups shaped and reshaped our understanding of the Northwest? How has the presence and persistence of First Nations/Native American groups influenced scholarly discourse?

Submission Guidelines: Submissions can involve an entire session or an individual paper. All submissions must be received no later than December 31, 2007. Session proposals are particularly encouraged.

All proposals must include: title, description (no more than 250 words), A/V requirements (laptop, projector, screen, etc.), presenter name, professional affiliation, address, email, phone number and two-page c.v.

Session proposals must include all of the above for each presenter, plus: session title, session description (200 words maximum), and contact information for the panel organizer, including email address and phone number. We assume that everyone listed in a session proposal has agreed to participate. Electronic submissions are preferred; attach proposals as Word or PDF files. All submissions must be received no later than December 31, 2007. Submit proposals to:

William G. Robbins, Program Committee Chair
2008 Pacific Northwest History Conference
email: brobbins@orst.edu ( mailto:brobbins@orst.edu )
phone: 541-602-3867
Department of History
Oregon State University
Corvallis, OR 97331-5104