Northwest History: Mission Statement

Northwest History is a blog about history and new media, the Pacific Northwest, public history, teaching history (at both the collegiate and pre-collegiate levels), and related topics that catch my fancy.

Northwest History is not about current politics, is not an online diary, and will never feature pictures of my cats. Before I made the decision to begin blogging I looked through a lot of lists of history blogs and I found that many of most had either become inactive or had lost their focus as history blogs. Those that had lost their focus either 1) had shifted into politics ("How my Scholarship on Medieval Manuscripts Shows that the Iraq War is a Mistake, Part 9")--which is fine, but the politics quickly supplant the history, or 2) became personal journals ("Today I graded essays and here are some pictures of my toddler in his kiddie pool"). Neither type of blog is of much interest to me. This is a blog about history.

Now if a political candidate makes a claim based on Northwest history, I might fact check it here. And if I go on an historical excursion (and I often do) I will likely post something about it here.

Would you like to guest blog at Northwest History? I would love to make this more of a group blog with other contributors who have an interest in the topics of this blog. Drop me a line at larrycebula at gmail dot com.